Etsy Craft Party, Tokyo, Japan

frumafar. will join Etsy Craft Party in Tokyo on June 23rd, and will have a workshop of the fabric box called cartonnage with frumafar. cotton fabrics.

6月23日(日)神保町 視聴室にて行われるEtsyクラフトパーティーに参加します。Etsy(エッツィー)とはアメリカ発のハンドメイドマーケットサイトです。今回frumafar.の布を使ったカルトナージュ(参加費1,000円)で行う予定です。その他さまざまなワークショップが開催される予定ですので、ハンドメイドに興味のある方またハンドメイドを通して輪を広げたい方などぜひ遊びにきてください。


The workshop is for beginners and will take 30 - 40 minutes. Participation fee is 1,000 yen including the fabric box kit. You don't need to bring any tools for the workshop. The instructor is colorful sheep farm who will demonstrate how to make a fabric box with fabrics at the workshop. I will be there to help translate the instruction in English.

We will make a small fabric box for accessories as shown in the picture below. 

                           The size of the box will be slightly different at the workshop


                        frumafar. fabric shop card box sample

Anyone who is interested in Etsy handmade items or an Etsy seller in Japan is Welcome!
Please register from here to join the party and contact us for singing up for the fabric box workshop. 
* write " Etsy Craft Party" in a title and your name in a message

